Wednesday, April 26, 2023

This morning, CABQ Parks & Rec issued a press release, announcing that they will no longer pursue an Education Center in the Elena Gallegos Open Space.

“Save the Elena Gallegos” celebrates this amazing first victory! But our fight is not yet over. We will still seek a permanent injunction to protect the land from development, for all future generations.

Our official response statement, the City’s press release, and today’s media coverage are linked below.

Official Statement from “Save the Elena Gallegos”

The Parks Department has no authority to bind this administration, this administration has no authority to bind the next one, and no administration has the authority to bind a City Council, which alone has the authority to appropriate funds. The City's announcement today, while welcome, is legally meaningless and in no way binding.

“Save the Elena Gallegos” was organized to preserve and protect the Elena Gallegos Open Space, a CABQ treasure. It seeks a permanent injunction against construction of a facility in the Open Space because the deed to the property prohibits any such activity. It will continue to do so in order to preserve the Elena Gallegos as open space for generations to come.

CABQ Parks & Rec Press Release — April 26, 2023

(click to enlarge)